End User Agreement
Read carefully the following general conditions.
This license agreement is a legal contract between the User (natural person or legal entity) and the manufacturer of the OkMap Software Product.
This contract is relative to the OKMap software collection, any associated software modules, printed materials and documentation paper or electronic, globally defined below Software Product.
These conditions are assumed fully known and accepted when installing, copying or using in any mode the Software Product or part of it. If the User does not wish to adhere to these conditions, is obliged to refrain from using any form of the Software Product and must erase all the copies thereof from its equipment.
Manuela Silvestri, with residence in Rome (hereinafter Producer), is the holder of the right to property and any further right otherwise eligible on the Software Product made available on line and any subsequent versions.
This license gives the only Software Product usage to the User, in accordance with rules that follow:
- The Software Product is distributed in its status (AS IS) and without any guarantee.
- Registration codes are strictly personal and cannot be transferred to third parties.
- A license can be used on one PC only; if you want to install the Software Product on multiple PCs, you need to buy more licenses.
- The number of registrations for each licence is limited to 5; you must register the Software Product again when you reset completely your PC.
The Software Product is protected by laws, decrees, regulations and any other national provisions applicable, in particular by the rules on the law of copyright and intellectual property, by the community rules and by the international treaties in the field.
The Software Product, each copy thereof and each part or item of it (including, but not limited and non-exhaustive list: each image, icon, photography, animation, video, text), any text or image, electronics and on-line documentation relating to the Software Product, are the sole property of the Producer are not reproducible by the User in any form or manner. All rights on the product designations and every other distinguishing marks are reserved to the Producer or other legitimate holders.
3.1) Software Product.
The User can install the Software Product and can use it to the conditions and limits to this license.
The User cannot develop products or software applications based on the Software Product or that are, in any way, use of the same. Any permissions can be requested at the Producer and will be subject to subsequent agreements.
3.2) Restrictions on reverse engineering, decompilation and disassembly.
The User can not decode, decompile, disassemble, modify or translate the Software Product, except as expressly provided by mandatory laws.
3.3) Separation of components.
The Software Product is licensed as a whole and it isn't divisible. Its elements cannot be separated for any use.
If the User does not comply with these conditions of use of the Software Product, and therefore in the event of breach or violation of the provisions of which underscores 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 of this point, the license is deemed withdrawn. In this case the Producer may require that the User destructs all copies of the Software Product and its component parts in its possession. The Producer may request compensation for the damage suffered.
The Producer disclaims any warranty for defects originating in or occurring and makes no promise of quality, smooth functioning or fitness for a purpose or something particular regard to the Software Product, nor makes no warranties about the conformity of the Software Product as described in the electronic documentation or on line or made available.
It is also excluded any guarantee in case the Software Product is inserted part of other software applications developed by third parties. To these applications, also, the Producer declares expressly to haven't done and, however, to not carry out any activity control nor accreditation of its operation.
In any case the Producer shall not be liable for direct or indirect damages (including damages for loss or loss of earnings or savings, interruption of business, loss of information or data and other economic losses) derivatives user or third from the use or non-use of the Software Product, also in the case where the Producer has been advised of the possibility of such damages. This limitation of liability is applicable not only in cases of use of the Software Product second mode which do not comply with indications of the Producer but also in the case of use in accordance with the same.
The Producer also will not be liable for damages resulting from the use of the Software Product as a navigation tool.
This agreement is subject to substantial Italian law. Notwithstanding any different rules of link individual laws or international treaties, any dispute that should arise between the parties about the interpretation or execution of the same will be developing devoted exclusively to the Italian jurisdiction with expertise, too it exclusive of the Forum of Rome.
Any contractual changes must be in written under penalty of nullity. The parties agree not to recognize any legal validity to the statements earlier, contemporary or later, made by anyone, giving up to rely on any verbal agreements amending the present conditions. The Producer reserves the right to modify these conditions at any time and unilaterally giving its communication with deemed most appropriate means, and in particular through the publication on its website.
Where is prepared a translation of this license, it is understood that the Italian version shall be treated as the prevailing language.
This warning is substantial and an integral part of the general license terms of use above.
The User declares to have read and understood clauses referred to paragraphs 3 (Using the Software Product and resolute expressed clause), 4 (Disclaimer of warranties), 5 (Limitation of liability), 6 (Applicable law, jurisdiction and competence), 7 (Written form) of the general conditions of license terms, approving them specifically.
The User must specifically also approve conditions laid down by the following third-party softwares:
OkMap uses these software also: