- Updated EPSG database to version 12.005.
- New HERE v3 maps.
- Moved the "List of waypoint, route and track files in the map" menu to the "Find files" menu.
- Moved the "Index maps" and "Index GPX files" menus to the "Indexed files" menu in Home.
- File manager: Added sub-items to "List of indexed files" and "OkMap database".
- File manager: Added "Index maps", "Index GPX files", to "Indexed files".
- FIX: Loading RMap, MbTiles, OruxMap maps: Determining the appropriate zoom level to load.
- FIX: Loading web maps with raster tiles: Improved the control of the maximum number of tiles.
- FIX: Loading gpx files with objects (waypoints, tracks and routes) without names.
- FIX: File manager: Edit map setup parameters: The size of the opened panel was too small.
- FIX: GPX file indexing: Files with uppercase extensions were not indexed.
- Map, Track List: New "Altitudes and times" function.
- Estimation of cycling times also based on the end time of the route.
- Preferences - Tracks: Added the value: Biking speed on flat ground.
- DEM altitude assignment: Indicated the number of altitudes not assigned.
- Track and route inversion: Deleted the times because they make no sense when inverted.
- FIX: Track List and Route List: Delete related elements.
- Actualización de la base de datos EPSG a la versión 11.031.
- Carga de mapas en formato ECW: Gestión de proyecciones/datums en formato EPSG:XXXX.
- Utilidad - Crear un archivo WKT: Posibilidad de crear también archivos con el sistema de referencia en coordenadas geográficas.
- FIX: Carga de mapas en formato GeoTiff: Gestión del sistema de referencia en coordenadas geográficas.
- FIX: Carga de mapas en formato de archivo World: Gestión del sistema de referencia en coordenadas geográficas.
- Updated EPSG database to version 11.029.
- Updated GDAL and PROJ versions.
- Download waypoints from OpenStreetMap: Ability to select multiple tracks.
- Map movement: Shift key + arrows / mouse for larger movements.
- Load Web map: Set home coordinates by default (if specified in preferences).
- Save World file, GDAL Info, GDAL SRS Info: Added new formats.
- List of units of measure: Added Offset.
- FIX: Map movement: Did not redraw the map when moving the cursor out of the screen limits.
- FIX: Map - Context menu All objects: Waypoints, routes, tracks are enabled if the single set is present.
- FIX: Drag&drop KMZ map when there are no waypoints and tracks.
- FIX: Preferences - Coordinates: Home coordinates are not mandatory.
- Updated EPSG database to version 11.025.
- Load/Save waypoints, tracks and routes: Updated file types.
- Save raster maps: Updated file types.
- Management of Garmin extensions related to track points in GPX files.
- Track list, Edit track, Graphs, Statistics: Management of track point extensions.
- Preferences - Units of measurement: New unit of measurement: Temperature.
- Batch coordinate conversion: Added the possibility to save in GPX format (waypoint or track).
- Optimized loading of GPX files.
- Optimized the display of waypoint and photo clusters.
- FIX: Management of namespaces in GPX files, maps and preferences.
- FIX: List functions: Set the number of decimals in cells according to what is expressed in the preferences.
- Track Optimization: Track simplification with Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm; introduced tolerance.
- Track Optimization: Introduced buttons: Save, Restore, Default parameters.
- Preferences - Track: Introduced tolerance for simplification.
- FIX: Track Optimization: Used some preferences parameters instead of form parameters.
- Map: New map context menu "Optimize - Track" (Remove errors, optimize and smooth the path).
- Map: Removed context menus: Remove point clusters, Simplify, Track Smoothing, Altitude Smoothing.
- Track List: New map context menu "Optimize track" and "Optimize selected tracks".
- Track List: Removed context menus: Remove point clusters, Simplify, Track smoothing and Altitude smoothing.
- Preferences - Tracks: Reordered fields more rationally.
- Map: Edit track and Edit selected tracks: New attribute: Coloring based on slope.
- Track List: New attribute: Coloring based on slope.
- Waypoint List, Track Points, Route Waypoints, Toponyms: Altitude is recalculated when changing coordinates.
- Edit Waypoint, Track Point, Route Waypoint, Toponym Menu: Altitude is recalculated when changing coordinates.
- Autorouting: Set the Track origin field to the value Attribution (openrouteservice.org | OpenStreetMap contributors).
- FIX: Waypoint List: Missing unit of measure in the "Direction" column header.
- Updated EPSG database to version 11.022.
- Updated OpenStreetMap "features".
- Added new web maps: Kompass.
- Restored web maps functionality: HERE, GEBCO, OSM Bergfex.
- Removed web maps no longer available: OSM 4UMaps, Stamen, Statkart.
- Autorouting with intermediate points.
- Map context menu: Added functions on autorouting points: Info, Edit, Move, Delete (also with eraser).
- Preferences - Geocoding & Routing: Added autorouting intermediate point icon.
- Download waypoints from OSM: Added "Load waypoints along a track".
- Download waypoints from OSM: Added "Set DEM altitude if not specified" flag.
- Download vector data and waypoints from OSM: Added "Load", "Save" and "Delete" feature selection buttons.
- Download vector data and waypoints from OSM: Added "Download only named objects" flag.
- Download vector data and waypoints from OSM: Display total downloaded objects.
- Download vector data and waypoints from OSM: Performance optimization.
- Waypoint and route waypoint info: Added Type to the information displayed on the cursor.
- FIX: Eraser deletion: Icon, Comment, Pie.
- FIX: Utilities - Map Server: Restored license control.
- The user interface has been translated into Simplified Chinese (zh-CN).
- Map context menu - Other functions: "Delete point clusters" (star effect) from a track.
- Track list: New context menu: "Delete point clusters".
- Preferences - Tracks: Added point number and cluster radius for the "Delete point clusters" function.
- Map context menu - Other functions: "Set description (geocoding)" on a waypoint.
- Photo display in Google Earth: Image size in Preferences - Photos.
- Photo display in Google Earth: Added photo title and description.
- GPX file autosave function: The file is saved in the C:\OkMap folder.
- FIX: Lists: If you deleted some lines and then created new ones, it would fail.
- FIX: "Reset distance, area" tool should not be selectable.
- FIX: Navigation menu: Remote device icons "List" and "Clear" were reversed.
- FIX: "Locked Objects" and "Autoinfo": Changes were not immediately reflected in the status bar.
- FIX: Map titles translation: "Thumbnail" and "Lens" map.
- View GPX data in Google Earth: Preview image when clicking on the icon.
- View photos in Google Earth: Preview image when clicking on the icon oriented according to the shot (if available).
- FIX: Patch OSGeo4W installation for the new version of PROJ 9.5.0.
- Waypoint list, track waypoints list: New menu "Set the description with geocoding".
- Toponym list: New menu "Set the type 1 with geocoding".
- Photo list: New menu "Set the comment with geocoding".
- FIX: Geocoding and Inverse geocoding: Added language parameter.
- FIX: Preferences: Language translation.
- EPSG database update to version 11.019.
- OSGeo4W setup version update.
- After installation, the language in Preferences - Generals set to match that of Windows.
- Map, Photo List, Waypoint List: Opening photos with the app selected in Preferences - Photos.
- Tracks, Routes List: Added "Open Link" and "Show File Properties" menus.
- Preferences - Photos: Open photos with: Photos, Legacy Photos or Associated App.
- FIX: Restored the functionality of WMS France IGN maps.
- FIX: Batch coordinate conversion: Input lat/lon sequence did not work.
- FIX: Utilities - Google - View map in Google Earth: Check if Google Earth is installed.
- FIX: Batch coordinate conversion: Fixed message when input or output file cannot be opened.
- FIX: GDAL file for color relief (GdalColorTable.txt) with comments in English.
- Load/Save waypoints in "Comma separated values" format.
- Batch coordinate conversion: Added "Latitude" and "Longitude" field sequence option.
- Batch coordinate conversion: Management of additional fields to append to output records.
- FIX: Batch coordinate conversion: Removed the last delimiter if any.
- FIX: Batch coordinate conversion: Check input/output files in locked state from other processes.
- FIX: Batch coordinate conversion: Check input file different from output file.
- EPSG database update to version 11.017.
- GPX data conversion to vectorial: Added "Convert waypoints to pies" option and confirm processing.
- Vectorial data conversion to GPX: Added "Cakes" option, confirm processing and performance optimization.
- List pages: Performance optimization when loading.
- FIX: Link to download page and changes made to the new version.
- FIX: File Manager menu: If the page is open it is closed.
- FIX: Download OSM data: Set modified map file.
- FIX: Download OSM waypoint: Set modified GPX file.
- FIX: Disabled ribbon menus with submenus when all ribbon menus are disabled.
- Ribbon menu: Management: Changed "Import / Export" to "Vector data".
- Right button map: Moved "Statistics" before "Graphs".
- Right button map: Moved "Join segments" before "Add to join".
- New feature: Find the most suitable projection for georeferencing a map.
- New menu: Invert start and end of autorouting path.
- List / Select datum and predefined projections: Deprecated values are colored in red.
- EPSG database update to version 11.016.
- Web Map Loading, Map Server: Manage opacity in web maps.
- Download DEM file: Added "Download" context menu.
- Increased the size of comments on the map to 600 pixels.
- Increased the thickness of lines to 25 pixels.
- EPSG database update to version 11.015.
- New feature: Altitude map generator (color shading and relief).
- Web maps: OpenLayers updated to version 9.0.0, PROJ updated to version 2.12.0.
- Load web maps: PMTiles web map management (vector and raster).
- FIX: Merge side-by-side maps that do not overlap.
- FIX: Software registration: Message after successful registration and disabling of the "Registration" button.
- FIX: Web maps "OSM OpenTopoMap", "OSM OpenTopoMap Dev": max zoom = 15.
- Updated EPSG database to version 11.013.
- Autorouting: Check for Api key presence in preferences.
- Map tiling: Create a deformed map: Function also extended to maps with custom projection.
- FIX: Altitude calculation: Management of particular DEM files that have end-of-file characters inside.
- Ribbon: Home - Routing: Automatic calculation of tracks/routes (Routing) including paths with OpenRouteService.
- Ribbon: Home - Tools: New menus: Start of path and End of path.
- Preferences - Routing & Geocoding: Added parameters for the new routing function.
- Load web map: "Rev. Geocoding" button introduced.
- Find coordinates/locations: "Geocoding" and "Reverse geocoding" functions have been integrated.
- Map: Unified the "Info" and "Geocoding info" (deleted) context menus.
- Map: Context Menu: Moved the "External Services" menu to the top level.
- Utilities: Eliminated the "Geocoding" and "Routing" functions as they were integrated into other functions.
- FIX: Error determining altitude when not available in DEM file.
- FIX: Web map server list: Replacement of api key in WMS/WMTS maps.
- FIX: Missing some sub-menus in the context menu on waypoint and photo clusters.
- EPSG database update to version 11.011.
- Management: Creation of contour lines.
- Map: Context menu Coordinates - External services: Wikiloc.
- Altitude calculation: Caching of DEM files.
- FIX: Refresh Menu: Always active.
- FIX: Map: Updated the selected map in File manager.
- FIX: Map: Vector data label should only be displayed if specified.
- FIX: Map: Specific message when closing a modified web map.
- FIX: Management - Change theme: The theme is required.
- EPSG database update to version 11.008.
- Log file: Check for errors during writing.
- Preferences - GPS: Removed unused fields: Debug file, Parity, Stop bits and Baud rate.
- Preferences - Web Server: The password has been masked.
- FIX: XSLT Conversions: Extension was incorrect.
- FIX: Waypoint list: Translations of some context menus.
- FIX: First OSGEO4W installation: Mismatch between the proj4 database and the GDAL utilities (caused errors in map conversion).
- FIX: Drag/drop KML/KMZ files: Waypoints and tracks are loaded beyond the map, if present.
- Waypoint list: Added context menus "Send to OkMap server" and "Send to Web server".
- Preferences - OkMap Send / Web Server: Added "JPEG Quality" field.
- FIX: Sending track/waypoint to the Web server: Did not send the information to center the track or raise the alarm.
- FIX: Sending waypoints with image: Image quality is reduced to avoid transmission errors.
- EPSG update to version 11.007.
- New feature: Receiving tracks and waypoints from a public web server.
- New feature: Sending your location to a public web server.
- Map: New context menu: Sending waypoints to a public web server.
- Preferences - Web server: New tab to customize the parameters of the Web server sending and receiving functions.
- FIX: Reset preferences to factory settings
- FIX: Upon updating preferences, any active services are reactivated to take the changes into account.
- EPSG update to version 11.006.
- List of maps servers: Management of WMTS maps (experimental).
- Preferences - Map Tiling: Added the format of the images to produce.
- Elimination of obsolete GpsGate protocol.
- FIX: Management of shape files with geographical coordinates.
- FIX: Zoom on selected objects: All drawable objects are now considered.
- Map: Fully and partially selected clusters displayed with a solid or dotted line rectangle.
- Map: Ability to select entire clusters of waypoints and photos.
- Cluster info: The number of objects and the number of selected objects are displayed.
- EPSG update to version 11.003.
- Map: Management of waypoint and photo clusters.
- Preferences - Waypoints and Photos: Added "Show clusters" option.
- Map: Central button for photos implemented (functions: info, edit, open).
- Utility - Create photo album: Added output format (GPX file, Photo file).
- Tooltip and waypoint info: Added any links, any image preview, dimensions and shooting direction.
- Waypoint list: Added any image preview, dimensions and shooting direction.
- Waypoint list: Added opening of the link with a double click of the mouse.
- Waypoint list: Added "Open photo" and "View properties" context menus.
- Mapquest's geocoding features have been replaced with those of Nominatim.
- Preferences - Geocoding: Eliminated the MapQuest Service key that is no longer needed.
- Utilities - Routing: Eliminated route calculation (use track calculation).
- Map: Right click: Eliminated route calculation (use track calculation).
- Default map display when loading photos and toponyms.
- FIX: Made some changes to Slovenian texts.
- FIX: Deleting multiple rows from a table.
- FIX: Creating photo album in GPX format: Calculating GPX data bounds in metadata.
- FIX: Main Menu: "Lock layout" menu changed to "Lock docking".
- Updated EPSG database to version 11.001.
- Map: New context menu with middle button: List of waypoints and functions.
- FIX: Deleted the no longer working "OpenDEM Water depth" map.
- FIX: Importing OkMap remote log file: Fixed a bug if track thickness and color are not specified.
- Updated EPSG database to version 10.096.
- Updated WebView2 component to version 1.0.2088.41.
- Map: New context menu Waypoints: Send waypoints to remote server.
- Preferences - Send OkMap - New indicator: Request to center the map on sent waypoint.
- Preferences - OkMap sending - New indicator: Request to alert operator on sent waypoint.
- Waypoint info: The "Origin" field is also displayed.
- Remote waypoint reception: Set the remote device ID in "Source" if this is empty.
- FIX: When editing the link of a waypoint, if the file exists and is a photo the preview is created.
- FIX: Double clicking on a waypoint without photos did not open the edit function.
- FIX: Receiving a waypoint with photo: The shooting direction was incorrect.
- FIX: Changed the "Origin" field of waypoints downloaded from OpenStreetMap.
- Map: Waypoint display with link: Double-clicking to opens the link.
- FIX: Timeout management in remote data reception to manage the high client latency problem (thanks to Christian Ricci for the support in remote testing).
- FIX: Paste coordinates in text format in cultures other than US-en.
- FIX: NMEA Simulator: Decrease and Increase labels were reversed.
- Receive tracks remotely: The color and thickness of the trace are set only when the first point is received.
- FIX: Restoration of some incorrect datums due to the import process from the official EPSG database.
- FIX: Loading of web maps whose description contains apexes (e.g. Valle d'Aosta).
- Remote objects: Added context menu: Save waypoint, Save toponym, Geocoding info.
- Fix: Error when saving a project with an empty map.
- Preferences - Photos: Added the folder where to store the photos received from remote clients.
- Preferences - Photos: Added pixel width of photo previews.
- FIX: Log file conversion in GPX: Creation of photos.
- FIX: Download DEM file failed if the folder specified in Preferences - DEM did not exist.
- Updated EPSG database to version 10.094.
- Coordinate box: New function "Paste coordinates (text format)".
- Remote objects list: Copy coordinates (text format).
- Protocol $OKMAP-V02: Added an indicator to activate a sound when receiving a waypoint
- Protocol $OKMAP-V02: Added the possibility to send an image.
- FIX: Saving map in KMZ format: map name is same as file name.
- FIX: Error loading a GPX file while receiving data from remote clients.
- Receiving OkMap waypoint: Center the maps on the server on the received waypoint.
- Preferences - Web Maps: Introduced "Zoom web map preview".
- Preferences - Send OkMap: Introduced "Center the maps on the server".
- FIX: Loading vectorial maps in OkMap format.
- FIX: Map server list: Duplication: Use random string 8 long instead of "-Copy".
- Updated EPSG database to version 10.093.
- Map servers list: Removed HTTP headers and added "HTTP Referer" field.
- FIX: Restored Slovenia map.
- Updated EPSG database to version 10.091.
- New map preview button on single WMS layers.
- FIX: Error when using gdal_traslate with the latest version of OSGeo4W.
- FIX: Merge maps with 8 or 32 bit color depth.
- FIX: Increased the zoom limit to handle large maps.
- FIX: Removed the "OkMap Mobile iOS" item from the available formats (save map, tiling, map conversion).
- FIX: Removed carriage return and line feed characters from default attributions received from a WMS server.
- Added new European maps.
- List maps servers: Added mouse wheel handling in map preview.
- List maps servers: Layers: Added "Clear" button to clear all layers.
- FIX: Rotating maps with Color depth = 8 bits.
- FIX: List Maps servers: Use tag "AccessConstraints" to propose "Attributes" field.
- FIX: List maps servers: Insert a new map server: Default "Max zoom" = 18.
- Added new maps: HERE, CyclOSM, OSM Optitool Truck, Spain IGN raster, Netherlands, Belgium.
- File manager: List of indexed files: Added Lists by location.
- File manager: Maps: Added list of gpx files contained in the map.
- FIX: Installing Microsoft WebView2 evergreen.
- FIX: Choice of map servers: Only savable web maps are proposed.
- FIX: Ordering layers.
- FIX: Map Server List: Duplication function.
- Updated EPSG database to version 10.088.
- Loading web maps: Merged the list of web maps and local raster maps.
- Loading web maps, Map Server: New button to save the maps list.
- Map Server List: Removed the Default field that is no longer used.
- Show project info: Adjustment of the presented information.
- FIX: Map Server List: Fixed handling of filters that returning results.
- Updated EPSG database to version 10.086.
- Introduction of datums and projections for georeferencing cadastral maps.
- Restoration of web maps of the Italian Cadastre.
- Added OpenDEM Water depth map.
- Load web map and map server: Unified management of web maps (base and overlay).
- Map Server List: New simplified management.
- Map server list: Display of WMS capabilities with copy to clipboard function.
- Map Server List: Ability to enable/disable web maps.
- Map Servers List: New context menu: Duplicate Map Servers.
- Preferences - General: Removed the default web map (use the Default field in the list of map servers).
- Preferences - Web Maps: Removed the zoom factor of the web map preview (changeable in the map preview).
- Map: Distance Calculation: Color the visible and invisible sections differently.
- Preferences - Distance: Introduction of two new colors to highlight visible or invisible sections.
- Save map in MbTiles format: Creation of the lower levels.
- FIX: Save map via GDAL: Set any default parameters.
- FIX: In rare cases, scroll bars were present on the web map and there was a misalignment of objects.
- FIX: Map: Area calculation: Displaying a dot at the beginning of the area drawing.
- FIX: Coordinate box and map context menu: Message: Waypoint and toponym saved correctly.
- FIX: Map server, web map preview, visualization capabilities WMS: Close context menu.
- FIX: In rare cases, index out of range error while saving a GPX file.
- Track Graphs, Tracks Performance: Possibility of opening multiple information boxes at the same time.
- Preferences - Tracks: Changed "Slope % associated with solid color" range from 5-40 to 2-40.
- Map menu: Track autorouting: Calculation of travel time.
- FIX: Map calibration graphics.
- EPSG database update to version 10.85.
- Updated MICROSOFT.WEB.WEBVIEW2 to version 1.0.1722.45.
- Updated the web map list.
- Map Server List: Added new fields and map preview.
- Manage web maps with api keys in Preferences.
- New feature for choosing web maps in Load web map, Map server, Preferences - General.
- Map, track graph, coordinates: External services.
- Map, Autorouting: Autorouting with track creation.
- OkMap data reception: In the event of an error, reception is not stopped and the event is signaled in the status bar.
- FIX: Load OruxMap maps (namespace).
- FIX: Management of maps with reference meridian different from Greenwich.
- Updated EPSG database to version 10.084.
- Popup waypoints, tracks, routes: Organization of fields in tabs.
- Preferences - Send OkMap and Receive OkMap: Introduction of the text encoding type.
- Remote data: Transmission of semicolons in text fields via the value {sc}.
- FIX: Waypoint: In case of icon file not found, an explanatory icon is drawn.
- FIX: OkMap data reception: If the data is wrong, the reception is stopped and a warning is issued.
- FIX: Loading raster maps overlaying web maps: The progress bar remained open.
- Updated EPSG database to version 10.082.
- Installing osgeo4w v.2.
- GDAL console => OSGeo4W console.
- FIX: Map: Undo (Ctrl+Z) and Redo (Ctrl+Y) functions handling in the map.
- FIX: Google Earth integration: Progress bar kept open.
- FIX: Track statistics: Improved the calculation of "Time in stop".
- Updated EPSG database to version 10.078.
- Updated some Slovenian translations.
- Track Graphs: Added "Show title" option.
- Track Graphs: Added card size in pixel.
- FIX: Map tiling: Fixed right card size.
- FIX: Track statistics: Calculating speed, rates, slopes when denominator = 0.
- Updated EPSG database to version 10.077.
- Utilities - Create photo album: Generation of waypoints list with photos.
- Utilities - Create Photo Album: Filter by coordinate boundaries.
- Map: Thumbnail view of photos associated with waypoints.
- Map Server: Added "Cancel" button to stop loading.
- FIX: Photo Preferences: Fixed wording in "Show direction of taking photo".
- Receiving data from GPS in Garmin PVT proprietary protocol.
- Preferences - NMEA: Garmin PVT protocol management.
- New MapQuest protocol for functions: Geocoding, Inverse geocoding, Autorouting.
- Load web map, Maps server: Removed the check for the existence of the network connection to allow access to local servers.
- GPX data conversion to vectorial: Conversion of traces into polylines or, optionally, into polygons.
- Map icons: bring the maximum value of scalable icons from 1,000 to 100,000 meters.
- EPSG database update to version 10.076.
- Fixed a bug in "Save map via GDAL".
- Eliminated two Kompass maps that are no longer available.
- Restoration of OpenLayers 6.5.0 operation.
- Waypoint and route waypoint: If the symbol image has no path, use the standard default one (compatibility with OkMap mobile).
- Some functions in the demo version have been liberalized.
- FIX: Copy the selected GPX data: An explanatory message is displayed at the end of the processing.
- Preferences: Created a new "Measurement Units" page.
- Preferences - Units of measure: Added units of measure and decimals of: "Body weight", "Backpack weight" and "Lost body weight".
- Preferences - Units of measure: Added other units of measure in the "Direction" field.
- Track statistics, Track performance: Managed the unit of measurement of "Body weight lost".
- FIX: Exporting vector data in OkMap format produced them in ESRI shape format and vice versa.
- FIX: Changed the extension from "xml" to "osm" when importing vector data in OpenStreetMap format.
- FIX: Fixed the background of the "link labels" in the dark theme.
- EPSG database update to version 10.066.
- Track statistics: Added values: calories for trekking and body weight lost.
- Performance tracks: Added values: calories for trekking and body weight lost.
- Preferences - Tracks: Added body weight and backpack weight.
- FIX: Distance calculation: The total distance was double if the line was drawn with the left mouse button pressed.
- FIX: Coordinates: Download data DEM: Wait for the unzip process to finish before deleting the file that was locked.
- FIX: Some North American DEM files had the wrong format.
- FIX: After customizing the quick access menus, if you canceled a file open function, the dialog box was repeated several times.
- New "Download DEM" menu in the "Coordinates" submenu.
- New "Generate waypoints" menu in the "Coordinates" submenu.
- FIX: Correction of some datum for ECW, CompeGPS, GpsTrackmaker.
- FIX: Loading maps in CompeGPS format TwoNav: Check Tag=10.
- EPSG database update to version 10.064.
- GDAL update to version 1930, 3.4.2, mapserver 7.6.4.
- WebView component update to version 1.0.1210.39.
- Writing maps in CompeGPS format (.imp).
- Writing maps in CompeGPS TwoNav format (.rmap).
- Writing maps in GPS TrackMaker format (.gtm).
- FIX: Map display in Google Earth: Increased accuracy using tiles with 2.2 extensions.
- FIX: GDAL: possibility to declare multiple configuration parameters (--config).
- FIX: Map rotation: Changed the rotation limits from -45 to +45 degrees.
- FIX: Map rotation: It is not possible to rotate maps with only 2 georeferencing points
- FIX: Writing maps in TomTom format: Convert the coordinates in the WGS84 datum.
- FIX: Loading CompeGPS maps superimposed on web maps: Checked that it is not an ECW map.
- FIX: Added OziExplorer ETRS89 datum (associated with WGS84), Schwarzeck datum, NAD27 Canal Zone datum.
- FIX: Association of ECW datum "MONTEMAR" and CompeGPS "Monte Mario" from datum EPSG 6806 to datum EPSG 6265.
- FIX: Loading a tiled map: It was necessary to click on the map to be able to view it.
- EPSG database update to version 10.063.
- FIX: Loading meppe GDAL: Acquisition of further parameters.
- FIX: Display of Italian cadastral maps.
- FIX: Updated the list of map servers.
- Added Compegps RMap map format reading function.
- EPSG database update to version 10.059.
- Added an orthographic wms map of Greece.
- FIX: Object attributes: If the fonts were too large they would cover the other controls.
- FIX: Custom projection update: projection parameters were lost.
- FIX: Loading maps in CompeGPS format: Fixed problems with some types of projections.
- FIX: When loading a second map it was necessary to click on it to view it.
- Updated EPSG database to version 10.058.
- Save map to zoom level: Icons and comments were in some cases truncated.
- Map Icon Update: The icon image was not adapted to the box.
- Updated EPSG database to version 10.054.
- Eliminated 8 map servers no longer functional.
- FIX: Map calibration: if wrong coordinates are entered, the error pop-up will no longer close.
- Updated Slovenian translations.
- FIX: Management - Track statistics: tracks with durations > 24 hours.
- Updated EPSG database to version 10.039.
- FIX: Rome 1940 datum has been updated for maps in OkMap obsolete format and other software.
- FIX: Save project with web maps and without local maps.
- FIX: Menus do not activate/deactivate if windows are undocked.
- FIX: Alt+P has two different functions.
- EPSG database update to version 10.037.
- Preferences - General: Added "auto" value to the theme.
- Added list menus to the quick function bar.
- Map: Context menu: The items: "Find begin" and "Find end" have been added to the "Other functions" menu.
- FIX: Map orientation: The function now considers the EXIF image orientation tag.
- FIX: The points of the objects traces, lines and polygons, are drawn overlapping the lines to facilitate the selection.
- EPSG database updated to version 10.035.
- Line pattern for tracks and routes.
- Print map and data grids: Possibility to choose the printer and the relative characteristics of the page.
- Photo: The graphic representation of the photos has been revised.
- FIX: Selection of objects starting from the one in the foreground.
- FIX: Modification of objects: Reset the color of objects to the standard value indicated in preferences.
- FIX: Save map in tiled format: If the calibration is not correct, in some cases, the software freezes.
- FIX: Map context menu: Color of some submenus in case of dark theme.
- EPSG database update to version 10.32.
- Inno setup update to version 6.2.0.
- C ++ update to version 14.29.30133.0.
- WebView2 update to version
- ExifTool update to version
- GDAL update to version 3.3.1.
- Preferences - Photo: Open photo with associated application / Open photo with Windows Photo Viewer.
- Preferences - Grid: The default projection has been moved to the Coordinates page.
- Map server: Added 20 IGM 1:25000 maps of the regions of Italy.
- Map Server: Added 3 France IGN maps.
- Web map template: Added "" directive.
- FIX: Context menu Photo geotag (multi): Corrected the function of attribution of coordinates.
- FIX: Map deformation: The projection list is now sorted alphabetically.
- FIX: Web maps: The background of the maps is white (essential for maps with transparency).
- FIX: File manager: Set the correct color in the "Load recent files" menus in case of dark theme.
- Check that Microsoft Edge-Chromium is installed before installing OkMap.
- FIX: Errors loading web maps when Italian language is set.
- Microsoft Framework: Update to version 4.7.2.
- OpenLayers: Update to version 6.5.0.
- Web server: Server list update.
- Load web map: Ability to add one or more local maps in overlay.
- File manager: In web maps, any local maps are listed as sub-items.
- Save project: In the case of web maps, any local maps are saved.
- Load project: In the case of web maps, any local maps are loaded.
- Project info: In the case of web maps, any local maps are listed.
- Implementation of the dark theme.
- FIX: Sorting items in a grid, while inserting a row, resulted in an error.
- EPSG database update to version 10.028 of 7/6/2021.
- Proj4 update to version 2.7.4.
- Pie attributes: Increased the radius limit from 10 to 100 km.
- FIX: Improved the scale calculation for raster and web maps.
- FIX: Map merge: The function in some particular cases did not produce correct results.
- FIX: Drag & drop of n GPX files: It opened the default web map n times.
- FIX: Improvement of some Slovenian translations.
- EPSG database update to version 10.027 of 6/17/2021.
- New feature: Photos geotagging using a track.
- New function: Context menu - Coordinates - Photo geotag.
- New feature: Utility - View the tags of a file.
- FIX: Map Indexing: Disable all fields when running.
- Update to EPSG database v10.024 2021-05-26.
- Fixed some translations.
- Update to EPSG database v10.021, 2021-05-13.
- Optional subdivision of the metric grid into 10 parts.
- Optional subdivision of the geographical grid into 6 parts.
- Fixed some errors in the Italian and Slovenian translations.
- FIX: Save map in OruxMap format: Fixed a problem in case the map used a custom projection.
- FIX: Enable / disable Save Map, GPX, Photos, Toponyms menu / quick menu.
- FIX: Map grid parameters: International interpretation of the decimal points of the metric grid.
- FIX: In some circumstances, at the end of processing, the cursor was not reset to "Default".
- File manager: Added list functions of indexed files (maps and GPX).
- FIX: The map orientation calculation was wrong if rotation angle <-90 ° or greater than + 90 °.
- FIX: Save image: Transparent images management.
- FIX: Save Image: 32-bit color depth images were converted to 24-bit.
- New user interface with ribbon.
- Update of datum descriptions and projections according to the official EPSG database (https://epsg.org).
- Insertion of new datum with major / minor ellipsoid radius units of measure other than "meters" and revision of the calculations.
- Insertion of new datum with meridian different from Greenwich and revision of the calculations.
- Insertion of new projections with false east / north units of measure other than "meters" and revision of the calculations.
- Datum list: Added EPSG codes, prime meridian and coordinates from Greenwich.
- Predefined projections list: Added EPSG codes, conversion description and names used by other software.
- New 2.1 .okm format also containing EPSG codes and new units of measurement.
- When loading a .okm map in 1.1 format, confirmation of the conversion to the new 2.1 format is requested (strongly recommended).
- New 2.1 map index format (the first time OkMap is launched the index file must be recreated).
- Map indexing: It is request whether to automatically update the maps in OkMap format from the old format to the new one.
- Indexed maps list: Added EPSG codes.
- Map information: Added EPSG codes, units of measure, prime meridian and coordinates from Greenwich.
- View more information in: Datum, predefined projection and projection selection.
- Display of the unit of measure in: Coordinates box (metrics), grid characteristics, projection parameters and Generate context menu.
- Coordinates box: If metric coordinates are not available, an explanatory message is displayed.
- Simplified management of the metric grid of maps.
- New function: Lists units of measurement (also added in File manager).
- New feature: WKT file creation.
- New feature: View photo in Google Earth.
- File manager: New context menu: Show project info.
- Load / Save map in World file: The request for the unit of measurement has been eliminated as it is determined by the projection.
- Import vector data esri shape, creation of toponyms from shape: Reading of any WKT file.
- Vector data export in esri shape format: Creation of the WKT file.
- Vector data export in esri shape format: The request for the unit of measurement has been eliminated as it is determined by the projection.
- The functions Save GPX file, Toponyms, Photos: act on the selected file.
- The functions Close GPX file, Toponyms, Photos: act on the selected file.
- The functions Merge file GPX, Toponyms, Photos: act on the selected file.
- The Split file GPX function: acts on the selected file.
- The Copy Selected GPX Objects function: copies the objects to the selected file.
- Preferences - Maps: Enter the DPI with which to save the images.
- Preferences - Grids: Eliminated web projection as it is automatically set to EPSG 3857.
- Startup: Eliminated the suggestion window.
- Map Server: Added the following maps: Swiss Topo pixelkarte-farbe and OpenFlightMaps.org.
- Reset Autorouting function with MapQuest.
- Added additional keyboard shortcuts for context menu functions on the map.
- FIX: The indexing function of maps did not take into account files with extensions in uppercase.
- FIX: Non-deprecated items are prioritized when determining datums and projections used by other software.
- FIX: Opening recent files: The last file opened is brought to the top of the list.
- FIX: Track Statistics: Fixed a problem when the track has empty segments.
- EPSG database update to version 10.015.
- Vector, tracks and routes lines: Increased maximum line thickness in pixels to 10.
- File Manager: "Select map" context menu deleted.
- FIX: Error in the Hotine Oblique Mercator and Oblique Mercator formulas.
- FIX: Web maps: Increase performance in the presence of vector data.
- FIX: Web maps: Smoother movement.
- FIX: Error displaying vector map information.
- Download DEM data from okmap.org.
- Map tiling: If north orientation is required, it is signaled with a warning message that allows you to continue.
- Calculation of the X and Y scale of the map: Increased the accuracy of the calculation.
- View map information: Added file name, map corners coordinates and map center coordinates.
- Map Merge: Added a field to specify the map to merge.
- Map merge: Added the ability to merge maps via GDAL.
- Select projection/datum, Select datum, Map warping: Added "EPSG" filter.
- Select datum: Added "Area" filter.
- Datum list and Predefined projection list: Changed the wording "Id." with "EPSG".
- FIX: Loading map in GeoTiff format: Priority is given to the presence of the ModelTransformationTag tag.
- FIX: Loading map in ECW format: Incorrect reporting in case of unsupported projections.
- FIX: Save map in GeoTiff format (and consequently in GDAL formats): The ModelTransformation tag is created to manage maps not oriented north.
- FIX: Save map in GeoTiff format: Did not delete the GeoTiff tags contained in the map before writing the new tags.
- FIX: Save map in GeoTiff format: The format appeared twice in the list.
- FIX: Save map in World file format: Create WKT file: Filter maps with custom projection or without EPSG projection code.
- FIX: Map indexing: OruxMap maps with .xml extensions but different from .otrk2.xml are discarded.
- FIX: Map warping: Check that the loaded map has a projection with EPSG code.
- FIX: Map warping: Only the projections with EPSG projection code are proposed in output.
- FIX: File - Load - Map: The message "Loading ..." appears while loading the map.
- FIX: View function - Redraw: the function was also enabled during the map calibration.
- FIX: New map calibration: The size of the card was insufficient.
- Track point and route waypoint info box: Added: distance, azimuth and inverse azimuth from previous point.
- Maps: Context menu Generate: Added "Inverse Azimith" indicator.
- Maps: Context menu Coordinates - Show compass: Compass in different colors (customizable in Preferences - Maps).
- View - Redraw menu: Updates, in addition to the drawing of the map also: Statusbar, Menu, File manager (if they are misaligned).
- Added EPSG 4087 projection: "WGS 84 / Plate carree".
- FIX: Utilities - GPX - Track statistics / Track performance: Enabled only if there are tracks in at least one loaded file.
- New map context menu: Generate.
- New map context menu: Coordinates - Show compass.
- File Manager: Added project management menu and load web map menu.
- Distance/area/route box: Added descriptions of values.
- New acceleration keys: Alt+F => "File - File Manager" and Alt+B => "Navigate - GPS Communication".
- FIX: Space reorganization in the Map tiling function to be able to operate even with low resolution screens.
- FIX: Route Display: Route segments are displayed even if all waypoints are off the map.
- FIX: Distance/area/route: Wrong representation of the inverse azimuth in radians.
- FIX: Use of arrows when distance/area/route box is displayed.
- FIX: Increased the precision in the rotation of the map icons.
- Distance/area tool: Inverse azimuth added in the info box.
- Route creation/modification: Display distance/azimuth box as for the "Distance" tool.
- Map Indexing: Default folders and formats from preferences and added "Update index file" option.
- Waypoints, tracks and routes indexing: Default folders and formats from preferences and addition of "Update index file" option.
- Photo indexing: List of photos not indexed due to lack of georeferencing metadata.
- The waypoints, routes, tracks indexing menus have been moved into the GPX menu.
- FIX: Photo indexing: Check validity of the output file in case of update.
- FIX: Error after selecting a new vector theme while continuing to draw a vector shape.
- FIX: Correct identification of the selected track point and route waypoint in case of multiple selection.
- C ++ update to version 14.28.29325.2.
- Inno Setup update to version 6.1.2.
- Photo album creation: If you activate the Update output file option, duplicate photos are updated while non-existent photos are removed.
- Save map in oZiExplorer format: Added the management of Mercator Spherical projection.
- Map tiling: The function has been included in the map window.
- Map tiling: to select / deselect tiles use Ctrl + left mouse button.
- Added new map functions in the menu Utilities - Maps: Orient, Crop, Resize, Warp, Merge.
- FIX: After an OkMap update, the list of recently opened projects was lost.
- Loading maps ozf2 and ozfx3: Integrated in the loading of OziExplorer maps.
- Map, map server status bar: Added additional coordinates according to the projection / datum specified in Preferences - Grid.
- Map, map server status bar: UTM coordinates, to differentiate them from metric ones, are preceded by "UTM".
- Preferences - Grid: Added the format of representation of the third coordinates displayed in the status bar of the map and the map server.
- IGM maps with "CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 IT" license are now available in the Utility - Server - Map Server function.
- Gpx file list and map list: Increase the performance in loading the form.
- "OSM GPS Traces" Map: Moved to the overlay list.
- Load map via GDAL: Unified in Load map.
- Save map via GDAL: Unified in Save map.
- Loading maps: Added map formats: JPEG2000, OZF2, OZFX3, Geospatial PDF.
- Map tiling: Added map formats: JPEG2000, OZF2, OZFX3, Geospatial PDF.
- Drag & drop: Added map formats: EKMZ, JPEG2000, OZF2, OZFX3, Geospatial PDF.
- Load maps from command line: Added map formats: EKMZ, JPEG2000, OZF2, OZFX3, Geospatial PDF.
- Map conversion: Added map formats: World file, JPEG2000, OZF2, OZFX3, Geospatial PDF.
- Map conversion: Added other map formats in writing (ex GDAL).
- Preferences - Maps - Map formats to index: Added map formats: World file, EKMZ, JPEG2000, OZF2, OZFX3, Geospatial PDF.
- Map indexing: Added map formats: World file, EKMZ, JPEG2000, OZF2, OZFX3, Geospatial PDF.
- Indexed map list: Added map formats: World file, EKMZ, JPEG2000, OZF2, OZFX3, Geospatial PDF.
- Tiling maps: Display crossroads "coordinates found".
- Map tiling: New Print map function.
- Lists: Increased the performance during the form loading.
- Projects: Loading recent projects.
- Projects: Deleting the list of recent projects.
- Load recent files: Confirm deletion of files that no longer exist.
- GDAL Parameters: Added Managed raster maps link.
- FIX: Batch converting maps from OruxMap: Could not find maps.
- Fixed a bug in loading some GeoTiff files.
- Drawing tracks with colors according to the slope.
- Fixed a bug in the coordinates box.