Supported image formats

Formats Extensions Links
Most common formats.jpg, .tif, .png, .gif, .bmp
Enhanced Compression Wavelet.ecwIntergraph Erdas
Other formatssee linkFreeImage features

Supported map formats

Formats Extensions Read Write
ECW (Earth Resource Mapping).ecwYes
World file.tfw,.jgw,.pgw,.gfw,.bpwYesYes
Google Earth / Garmin Custom Maps / Encrypted KMZ.kmz, .kml, .ekmzYesYes (1)
Encrypted Google Earth.ekmzYesYes
JNX Birdseye.jnxYesYes (2)
OziExplorer (included OZF2, OZFX3 images).mapYesYes
CompeGPS TwoNav.rmapYesYes (2)
GPS TrackMaker.gtmYesYes
RMap.sqlitedbYesYes (2)(3)
MBTiles.mbtilesYesYes (2)(3)
OruxMaps.xmlYesYes (2)
JPEG2000.jp2Yes (3)Yes (3)
Geospatial PDF.pdfYes (3)Yes (3)
Other formats.*Yes (3)Yes (3)
1) Output with or less extensions 2.2. Function optimized for Garmin Custom Maps and OkMap Mobile.
2) Only one layer; small/medium maps.
3) Via GDAL

Supported vector formats

Formats Extensions Import Export
ESRI Shape.shp, .dbfYesYes

Supported data formats (waypoints, tracks, routes) (1)

Formats Extensions Read Write
GPS eXchange.gpxSiSi
Esri shape files.shpSiSi
FAI/IGC Flight Recorder.igcSiSi
Garmin FIT activity file.fitSiSi
Garmin MapSource gdb.gdbSiSi
Garmin MapSource - txt (tab delimited).txtSiSi
Garmin POI database.txtSiSi
Garmin Points of Interest.gpiSiSi
Garmin Training Center.tcxSiSi
Geocaching waypoints.locSiSi
Google Earth Kml.kmlSiSi
Google Earth Kmz.kmzSiSi
GPS TrackMaker.gtmSiSi
HTML waypoints.htmlSi
Humminbird tracks.htSiSi
Humminbird waypoints and routes.hwrSiSi
Lowrance USR.usrSiSi
Mobile Garmin XT Tracks.xtSi
National Geographic Topo waypoints.tpgSiSi
National Geographic Topo 2.x.tpoSi
National Geographic Topo 3.x/4.x.tpoSi
NMEA 0183 sentences.logSiSi
OkMap remote devices log.logSi
OpenStreetMap data files.osmSiSi
OziExplorer waypoints.wptSiSi
OziExplorer routes.rteSiSi
OziExplorer tracks.pltSiSi
Universal csv with field structure in first line.csvSiSi
1) Via GpsBabel (Except GPS eXchange format)

Supported elevation data formats

Formats Extensions
HGT SRTM-1.hgt
HGT SRTM-3.hgt

Supported GPS devices with proprietary protocol (1)

GPS device Read Write
Brauniger IQ seriesYes
GlobalSat DG-100/BT-335Yes
GlobalSat DG-200Yes
GlobalSat GH625XTYes
Holux M-241Yes
MTK Logger (iBlue 747/Qstarz BT-1000/...)Yes
NaviGPS GT-11/BGT-11YesYes
SysTraq VenusYes
Wintec WBT-100/200Yes
XAiOX iTrackUYes
1) Via GpsBabel

Supported languages

China flag Chinese
French flag French
German flag German
English flag English
Italian flag Italian
Russian flag Russian
Slovenian flag Slovenian
Spanish flag Spanish