I´m a newbie to OkMap and evaluating the software I found the following problem. I did try to calibrate a map with Datum SIRGAS 2000 Projection Transverse Mercator. Map Setup is ok according with the info on the map. I dont make any input to Projection Parameters I dont make any change to the Grid Setup. The reason I dont make any change to Projection Parameters is because I suppose that Datum SIRGAS 2000 and Projection TRANSVERSE MERCATOR have preset parameters. After I finish calibration I cannot see the cursor coordinate position. I only see Lon 0º 0' 0" Lat 0º 0' 0" at the status bar position. Calibrating another map with Datum WGS84 and Projection Longitude/Latitude no problem. Anything Am I doing wrong?
To input a customized projection leave the predefined projection combobox to "Custom" and press next button. If you have any problems send me the map and its georef info and I'll send you the steps to georeference it.
Please put it in the same folder of the map and open it with OkMap. After loading use menu “File – Modify – Setup map parameters” to display how I’ve calibrated your map. I’ve used “Universal Transverse Mercator - Zone 19 (S)” predefined projection and 4 points at the edges (please check their positions). The map seem good calibrated. Try menu “Utilities – Google Earth (map + GPS)” to check overlapping of your map with GE map background (seems good).