I begin to use OKMap: no problem to create my own calibrate map. I have a problem with my Garmin GPS (Etrex). I can receive and send track, waypoint by USB port but when I try to select NMEA preferences (I only have COM3). I tried it with 2 computers and it is the same problem... How can I change it to USB?
Hi Guillaume, most Garmin devices need an additional software to create a virtual serial port when using USB. Search for "Garmin Spanner" and verify if your GPS model needs it. After installed run it and you should be find another serial port (ie COM4) on your computer. Set this port in OkMap Preferences at page "NMEA" and try again.
Do you know if it is normal that it don't work? GPSgate seems to wroks fine but I think it is a trial version (even if it is just to create a fctive port)
I've tested OkMap with and old Etrex Vista with serial port and with an Orgeon 550 and Garmin Spanner. Read this page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanner_ Garmin_program . Seems that GpsGate works for all Garmin GPS devices. What do you mean for "permanent"? Virtual port should be visible during GpsGate is runnig.
I have Windows Vista ....and on the garmin website "Windows Vista and Windows 7 are not supported by the Spanner software"
That's why
"Virtual port should be visible during GpsGate is runnig." I just install Gpsgate and it works My question is maybe stupid but I do not switch on/off this software. Moreover I do not want that he interfers with others software/application. Do you have an alternative solution?
Hello, I test gpsgate free version: it works well. I have only one main problem with okmap (compass is green but no direction arrow and i could not see my position in real time? Why?(Calibration of the map is correct (i checked 1 point of the map)
Please, can you send a snapshot of navigation form? Satellites form snapshot may be also useful. Please set NMEA log file in Preferences - NMEA; activate communication for one or two minutes and then stop. After please send this log file so I can examine it. Thanks.
Sorry. I am with my blackberry. Do you have an idea form problem? It is quite strange that satellites and satellites map work well and not the other tool? Did I forgot something?
No, it's very strange. Check Preferences - Compass color. Check background colors (first 3) and needle colors (last two). Please send me NMEA log file so I can check its goodness.
i will do it. i do not see also my track in color in real time but my calibration is ok and i checked the track after wards with graphic elevation vs distance and it is ok.