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 Geospatial Analysis Techniques on OKMap

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Suzen Posted - 30/05/2024 : 12:14:41
Hello everyone,
I am now diving into geospatial analysis using OKMap and would like to gain perception and tips from this community on how to effectively use this software for spatial data analysis and right now I am reading this Uipath Installation blog. I have a many questions

I am particularly interested in importing shapefiles, GPS tracks, and georeferencing checked maps. so What are the stylish practices for importing different types of spatial data into OKMap? How can I do exactly georeference checked maps within OKMap to align them with other spatial data layers? What spatial analysis tools does OKMap give? I am looking for tools that can perform buffer analysis, overlay operations, nearness analysis, and other spatial operations. There are specific tools or plugins in OKMap that can smooth terrain analysis, elevation profiling analysis. How can I effectively fancy and present my geospatial analysis results in OKMap? there are any options to produce reports or import maps for farther analysis or publishing?

You have any resources or stylish practices and any tutorials you can share, I would greatly appreciate your input,


Professional (AWS Big Data)
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
okmap Posted - 30/05/2024 : 13:49:01
See https://www.okmap.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=2707.
Please don't duplicate topics.

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