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 aerial images workflow
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7 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2012 :  11:14:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have a question about google maps/earth images.
I want to overlay images from google maps/earth on my topo maps in my GPS (Garmin Montana 650). Garmin have a service called Birds eye, but their images over my area is really bad… not even usable…
I have learned that I can take a screenshot of a images in google maps and then align it in google earth and then export it to my GPS as a kmz file. The problem is that I have to take a lot of screenshots and then align them one by one in Google earth so it takes a long time to do that. My question to you is, will it be easier to do that with your application? Can your application get a bigger area from google maps/earth and then tile them?

Question nr 2 is:
I want to draw soma lines around areas that will show in my gps. For example is they have cut down the trees in 1/3 of a forest I want to draw a line around that area, maybe fill it with transparent color, and maybe write a text and also make them transparent.
Can I do that? Can I also make it like a map but only with my text and drawing on areas so i can enable/disable it like other maps in my gps so it will be like a layer on top of other maps?


2661 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2012 :  12:31:06  Show Profile  Visit okmap's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Question N1: recently I've removed Google maps (road, satellite, hybrid) from OkMap Map server function to respect Google policies.
I've leaved only OpenStreetMap maps.

Question N2: Garmin GPS devices works with vectorial maps in proprietary format. OkMap is unable to export its own vectorial data for Garmin GPS devices. You can modify the image of your map with an image editor (i.e. MS Paint) and then produce Garmin Custom Maps with Map Tiling function.
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7 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2012 :  13:07:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I was hoping to not have to make 100 screenshots...
If I make screenshots of google maps and then put them together in photoshop, OKmap can then tile the big image up for me?
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2661 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2012 :  14:02:11  Show Profile  Visit okmap's Homepage  Reply with Quote
OkMap can tile a big images (georeference it first).
Please check Google policies before saving your maps.
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7 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2012 :  14:35:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If I georeference a big image in google earth and then save place as, I can only save as .kml or .kmz file? I fI then in OKmap open map tiling/garmin custom maps, I can not load those filetypes?
How should I save it in google earth and how should i open it in OKmap so I can tile it?
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27 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2012 :  16:03:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi. Excuse the interuption.
You could georeference your larger sized map/image directly in OkMap (File>New>Raster Map).

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. - Lao Tzu/Confucius
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7 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2012 :  16:58:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ok thanks for the help.
In this case I have taken screenshots of satellite images (google earth) so I don't have a grid to georeference to. I could open google earth at the same time and then look for lat/long in a location and then use it in OKmaps.

Another thing that you might help me with, is that if I take a screenshot of google earth and save as image, and then put that image in google earth to georeference it, it never really fits even if I havent touched google earth since I took a screenshot. I have to drag the sides and corners but I never get it to fit perfect. It seems that I would need to skew the image to get it to fit but I don't think that is possible in google earth.
Does anyone know why it is like that? Am I doing something wrong?
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2661 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2012 :  17:39:27  Show Profile  Visit okmap's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Using Google Earth is a tedious and inaccurate procedure to georeferencing images.
You'll never have good results with this method.
And I don't think it's legal to save GE image on own computers.
As already said, please check Google policies before saving your maps.
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7 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2012 :  20:17:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I will look at the google polices...
There are other companies that have aerial/satellite images so I can check their polices as well.

Do you have another suggestion on how I can get satellite/aerial images on my GPS? I would pay for Garmins BirdsEye if the quality was close to google maps, but it's extremely bad in my area so it's not an option.

How do the polices look on paper maps that is scanned? Is it allowed to copy them?

The question still remains. Is it possible to use OKmap to tile a .kmz file? How? Or is OKmap just for papermaps (it's not an negative remark, just a question)?
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2661 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2012 :  20:26:28  Show Profile  Visit okmap's Homepage  Reply with Quote
In the next release of OkMap I'll add the capability lo load a kmz map in Map Tiling function. Because kmz format can store more than one image, this function will be limited to load a single map at a time.
For question about Google policies please refer to Google documents and/or forum.
I may not be accurate. Thanks.
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7 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2012 :  21:57:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for all your help.
Looking forward to updates in OKmap.
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7 Posts

Posted - 09/03/2012 :  00:12:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
As I understand it I can use google earth images for my own use.
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2661 Posts

Posted - 09/03/2012 :  09:25:50  Show Profile  Visit okmap's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Ok, I'm not an expert of policies but recently I'ce romoved all Google maps from OkMap Map server because other software (MOBAC and others) have made the same.
With OpenStreetMap seems there are no risks.
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Lost Adams

4 Posts

Posted - 23/10/2012 :  19:09:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You guy's need to try Acme Mapper2 to get your Raster Images. What I do is go to the Address/lat/lon in the find box (lower right) Then I click on topo in upper right corner. Find/fine tune position by zooming all the way in. Then I "mark" the point and then switch to satalite view and zoom in till it begins to pixaliate and then back out a little. Check for your georeference point that it corrorisponds exactly with the topo point, and make adjustments accordianlly. I also use the distance and angle function in the marks dialoge box to get different points I want to locate on the ground. Just remember that the "center cross hair" "Should" have the same chords in all the same map displays. I use the Terrian/shaded relief for many things also, like a poormans LiDar.
Hope this helps
Bill Adams
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