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 Map blurred after orientation to the north

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Silentor Posted - 02/07/2013 : 01:00:27
Hello there!

I've noticed map image blurring after executing Utilities-Map tiling-North. I have saved to PNG format so its a not jpeg compression issue. Did I have an option to change resampling mode for map image transformation? I have not any luck searching under Preferences dialog.
Thanks for any help and sorry for my bad english :)
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
okmap Posted - 21/02/2024 : 08:45:33
Can you please be more explicit? Can you tell us the operations carried out, the expected results and the results obtained? Some screenshots might help. Thank you
Marcoelps Posted - 21/02/2024 : 04:24:24
I tried but it doesn't work, can you help me?
Nehavilash Posted - 08/12/2023 : 13:36:27
Try saving in JPG at 100% quality or TIFF for potential improvement, as FreeImage used in https://www.okmap.org/ lacks resampling options for image rotation and for image compression you can try https://jpegcompressor.com/ and explore more.

Thank you.
okmap Posted - 03/07/2013 : 09:22:15
Hi Silentor,
thanks for reporting, and analysis work.
The animation is very explanatory.
However I think image quality may acceptable considering that has been rotated.
Thanks for compliments!
Silentor Posted - 03/07/2013 : 00:46:17
Thanks for responce!

I have made some comparison:

Original JPG scan and north oriented PNG, TIFF, JPG 100%. All images 200% zoomed without any filtering. So its a rotating image issue entirely. I've check FreeImage API Rotate() docs and dont have found any other resampling method except blurry cubic :)
So its an unsolvable problem for now.

Thanks for the best of free GPS software, jnx support is very useful.
okmap Posted - 02/07/2013 : 10:05:21
Hi Silentor,
OkMap uses FreeImage for image manipulation.
FreeImage don't provide any resampling or filter methods when rotating images but only when you resize an image.
Please try to save in JPG at 100% quality or TIFF and tell me if you get some improvement.
PS my English is not better than yours

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