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 Name off Map in Google Earth

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RobertdH Posted - 01/08/2023 : 11:23:36
when i create a KMZ map in OkMap the name in Google Earth is File name "OkMap" (wrong), the tile is "1E2F_1" (right).

Earlier its work, both have the same name. file E01C -> tile E01C

What make i wrong?

Best Regards Robert

Allegato : 2023-08-01 11_08_22-Window.zip#9;4.81 KB
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RobertdH Posted - 01/08/2023 : 13:58:21
Many Thanks :-) I have some maps on my pc. And all rename....

Regards Robert
okmap Posted - 01/08/2023 : 13:43:30
I’ll fix the issue, but meanwhile you can rename the “OkMap” name with Google Earth (mouse right click + Rename).
RobertdH Posted - 01/08/2023 : 13:42:20
Hello Paolo

I sens a mail. Create maps as KMZ is not the problem, only the name in Google earth.

Regards Robert
okmap Posted - 01/08/2023 : 12:57:02
Please send me the map you cannot convert in KMZ format.
If you want to control the output tiles, load your map and then use menu: Management - Map tiling - Map tiling / Garmin custom maps.
RobertdH Posted - 01/08/2023 : 12:44:22
Hello Paolo

dont work-:(

Try GarminKMZ, KMZ2.2 and KMZ format.

And i can not controll the nummers of tiles...

Regards Robert
okmap Posted - 01/08/2023 : 12:18:07
The name OkMap identifies that it is a temporary map produced by OkMap.
If you want to create a definitive KMZ map, use the File - Save - Map - in KMZ format function.
Then open the produced file with Google Earth.
Best regards,
Gian Paolo

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