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 Projections and datum
 GeoTiff + WGS84 + Geographic

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Me_ Posted - 31/03/2014 : 18:16:53

I have a map in GeoTIFF format:

- Projection = Geographic (Latitude/Longitude)
- Datum = WGS84

Version: 1
Key_Revision: 1.0
ModelTiepointTag (2,3):
0 0 0
-5.53704218 51.1386768 0
ModelPixelScaleTag (1,3):
0.000576424169 0.000380882189 1
GTModelTypeGeoKey (Short,1): ModelTypeGeographic
GTRasterTypeGeoKey (Short,1): RasterPixelIsArea
GeographicTypeGeoKey (Short,1): GCS_WGS_84
GeogAngularUnitsGeoKey (Short,1): Angular_Degree
GeogSemiMajorAxisGeoKey (Double,1): 6378137
GeogSemiMinorAxisGeoKey (Double,1): 6356752.31
GeogInvFlatteningGeoKey (Double,1): 298.257224

GCS: 4326/WGS 84
Datum: 6326/World Geodetic System 1984
Ellipsoid: 7030/WGS 84 (6378137.00,6356752.31)
Prime Meridian: 8901/Greenwich (0.000000/ 0d 0' 0.00"E)

Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left ( 5d32'13.35"W, 51d 8'19.24"N)
Lower Left ( 5d32'13.35"W, 46d29'58.31"N)
Upper Right ( 4d 5' 2.59"E, 51d 8'19.24"N)
Lower Right ( 4d 5' 2.59"E, 46d29'58.31"N)
Center ( 0d43'35.38"W, 48d49' 8.78"N)

When I want to load it, I choose:
Coordinates system = Latitude/Longitude

And I don't know what select for projection and datum presets...

Any help please.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
okmap Posted - 01/04/2014 : 15:23:54
Depend by platform 32/64 bit.
In 32 bit platform consider max about 12000 pixels for edge.
For big images consider to use ECW professional format compatible with OkMap.
Me_ Posted - 01/04/2014 : 12:56:21
What is the limit to load a map file?

Because I have this message:

"Cannot open World file map g:\france.jpg - Invalid or too big image file: g:\france.jpg"

My file is 103Mo...
Me_ Posted - 01/04/2014 : 12:26:32
Quite simply ...

Thank you!
okmap Posted - 31/03/2014 : 18:44:20
Hi julien,
leave "Custom projection" in predefined projection and press Next button. Then select datum = WGS 84 and press Next button. Then select "Longitude/latitude". Leave default parameters (lat=0, lon=0).
Predefined projection are a list of most common combinations of projection (and its parameters) and datums, but in this case you should proceed with a manual input.

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