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 Map formats of other software
 USGS Maps

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LIHiker Posted - 25/04/2013 : 18:32:08

In past in your program you had USGS maps in the map server, which I loved. I understood the reason why you removed map due to copyright issues. I was looking over MAC and notice that programmer put back the USGS topo maps. Is there any chance that you can put back the USGS topo map into the map server as well ??

As always, thanks, Reinhard
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
okmap Posted - 28/04/2013 : 08:43:41
However I will study the issue better.
LIHiker Posted - 28/04/2013 : 01:18:42
Originally posted by okmap

Seems USGS topo maps are based on GeoPdf format.
OkMap is based on OpenLayers standard (see http://openlayers.org/).
I've found this but seems don't work:

var drg = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Topo Maps",
{layers: "DRG"});

No problem... thanks for trying... R
okmap Posted - 27/04/2013 : 10:16:22
Seems USGS topo maps are based on GeoPdf format.
OkMap is based on OpenLayers standard (see http://openlayers.org/).
I've found this but seems don't work:

var drg = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Topo Maps",
{layers: "DRG"});
okmap Posted - 26/04/2013 : 09:50:14
Thanks, I'll study this discussion.
LIHiker Posted - 26/04/2013 : 01:19:43
Originally posted by okmap

I think that actually there are no possibilities to allow to save those maps by users.
Google is clear about this aspect: map can be displayed in a web site or for navigation but cannot be saved for further uses.
USGS topo maps seems needs a subscription.
If you find some changes about this please notify me.

Here is a link to the MAC discussion regarding to the USGS maps ( the last reply on the page is most important one)
okmap Posted - 25/04/2013 : 19:26:16
I think that actually there are no possibilities to allow to save those maps by users.
Google is clear about this aspect: map can be displayed in a web site or for navigation but cannot be saved for further uses.
USGS topo maps seems needs a subscription.
If you find some changes about this please notify me.

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