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 JNX files for BaseCamp

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Vincentsigo Posted - 24/07/2012 : 14:45:07
Thank you for this very nice software OkMap
Garmin BaseCamp software (V3.3.3) agrees to read JNX files (Version 4) created by Snaptomap or Mapc2mapc. But JNX files (version 4) created by OkMap (v10.7.4) are not accepted. Basecamp simply displays a blue rectangle, no map inside, whatever the chosen zoom level. I tried a lot of settings of OkMap unsuccessfully (menu "cartes mosaiques/cartes Garmin personnalisées" in french)
What are the parameters to be entered in OkMap to get JNX files compatible with BaseCamp? Thank you for your help
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okmap Posted - 22/02/2013 : 11:53:56
Well done.
Thank you.
Vincentsigo Posted - 22/02/2013 : 10:06:31
Base Camp 3.3.3
OKmap 10.8.5
Garmin GPSmap 62S
Work PERFECTLY on BaseCamp and on GPS
Thank You!
pella Posted - 18/10/2012 : 19:29:26
Basecamp 4.0.2
JNX v3
OkMap 10.8.1
Garmin GPSMap 62sc

Work PERFECTLY on Basecamp and on GPS

Vincentsigo Posted - 09/08/2012 : 09:54:50
sorry for the delay in responding, but I was in holiday :-)
I use OkMap V10.7.4
okmap Posted - 27/07/2012 : 10:51:09
I've used MAPC2MAPC 64 bit version 485.
I've used a pendrive for the test in BaseCamp v. 3.3.3.
Which version of OkMap do you use?
In the past there was some problems with JNX format which I fixed later.
Vincentsigo Posted - 27/07/2012 : 10:09:12
My tests:
JNX V3 and V4 made by Okmap don't work in Base camp V3.3.3
JNX V3 and V4 made by MAPC2MAPC V work with Base camp V3.3.3: i'm surprised by your test, perhaps you used an old version of MAPC2MAPC? First I upload the file to my device (my GPS or a pendrive for the test), then I start Basecamp and I select my device in Basecamp

With JNX V3 or V4 made by OkMap, Basecamp recognizes the file (I suppose, because BaseCamp doesnt crash and displays a blue rectangle instead of the map, with the name of the file), but not the map inside the file: perhaps a problem in "Tile description table" or "Tile set"?
okmap Posted - 25/07/2012 : 14:13:08
I've done some tests.
In Garmin BaseCamp v.3.3.3 both OkMap and MAPC2MAPC JNX v.4 maps don't work.
In QLandkarte GT both OkMap and MAPC2MAPC JNX v.4 maps work properly.
okmap Posted - 24/07/2012 : 15:07:16
HI Vincentsigo, I've tested JNX v.3 with success but I've never check v.4.
JNX v3 and v4 are slightly different.
I've follow specifications at http://whiter.brinkster.net/en/JNX.shtml.
Have you tried OkMap JNX v3? Does it work well?
There aren't particular OkMap settings for BaseCamp.
As soon as possible I'll do some tests.

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