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 Problem about converting to JNX file

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Vistalia Posted - 30/12/2018 : 18:01:48
I bought a new Garmin GPSMAP 66s. This device is new released and it does support JNX file without subscription required.
I would like to convert some of my OkMap calibrated map and plot it on the GPS. I used OkMap to try generate the JNX file was generated successfully but no luck and it returned "Invalid Birdseye File" when I read it in the Garmin.

Any special technique I can do to successful generate JNX for Garmin? My map file is scanned in 400 dpi in detail so the jpg file is around 100 MB large.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
okmap Posted - 31/12/2018 : 18:29:03
I think you need to simulate a GPS device.
Prepare a formatted usb pen drive and create in it the BirdsEye folder.
Then copy in the root the file GarminDevice.xml.
Search for "GarminDevice.xml" to see how to prepare it.
The usb device will be seen as a GPS.
In the BirdsEye folder you can copy your JNX file and use with BaseCamp.
Vistalia Posted - 31/12/2018 : 16:46:41
GPSMap 66 comes with a valid Birdseye subscription so I prefer to do it using basemap with no change to the firmware.
However I have no idea how to add the JNX file into "My Collection" session of basecamp.
I can find the downloaded JNX at the following path but the JNX files I placed in this folder does not come up in Basecamp. I suppose Garmin has some mechanism to add the JNX into the application.
C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Garmin\BaseCamp\JnxFiles

Anyone has idea how can I add the map into BaseCamp?
okmap Posted - 30/12/2018 : 19:21:16
You cannot use JNX without a BirdEye subscription or patching (cracking) your GPS firmware.
See this page http://whiter.brinkster.net/en/JNX.shtml

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