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 Map Shifts when Tiling

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BIGEd Posted - 06/03/2018 : 10:19:28

I am using OkMap to tile existing kmz maps for use on my Garmin GPS.
I am having issues when I reload these maps onto Google earth, approximately the top 80% of the map has shifted south 50-200 meters so it does not line up with the existing map or the satellite Imagery. I have noticed that it does not do this with smaller maps. When uploading a Map for tiling the program states uploading map 1/2 and then map 2/2. With smaller maps it seems to skip uploading map 1/2.

Any help in solving this issue would be great as it seems like a very useful program but if I can't overcome this issue then i'm not sure I will be using it as map tiling was the main issue I purchased the program.

Edward Alexander
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okmap Posted - 06/03/2018 : 10:31:40
it seems a problem concerning the map calibration procedure.
Can you send me your map so I can do some tests? (info@okmap.org).
If the map is heavy you can use on of the free web services to send big attachments.

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