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 Projections and datum
 Geospatial files

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
darrell@mountdouglaspark. Posted - 19/09/2014 : 22:38:28
I would like to make an OKMap available for another application. The other application requires a GeoTIFF or jpg+jgw+prj or jpg+jgw+wkt files. I have the jpg file. I presume the OKMap save as jgw menu option provides the correct associated file. I don't know how to obtain the correct prj file or wkt file.
Name: World Geodetic 1984 (WGS84)
Ellipsoid: WGS 84
Longitude: -123.356567020805 -123.330625674946
Latitude: 48.4820405211715 48.5031136457508

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
okmap Posted - 20/09/2014 : 08:43:30
Actually OkMap is not able to write WKT (Well Known Format) or PRJ file.
You should create one of them manually with a text editor.
These are the references for file format:
I suggest to use prj file format.
To find all information you need:
1. Load your map in OkMap
2. Use menu "View" - "Map info".

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