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 Projections and datum
 Conversion probs Swiss UTM & Lat-Lon

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rooman Posted - 08/03/2012 : 17:04:10
Scanning a Swiss topo 1/25'000, I enter longitude UTM 546000 E for a Easting then I look at the Deg tab and it shows Long "9.4" which is completely false, it should be 6.7°E

Needles to say the rest of the operation is totally screwed up.

What am I doing wrong please?

With the official Swiss Topo NAVREF converter the coordinates are correcctly converted. I have a map and can check the UTM/Lat-Long grids.
I have chosen New Swiss grid CH1903, UTM zone 32, grid lines 4cm/1km.
Any ideas?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
okmap Posted - 09/03/2012 : 19:06:30
If you have problem to send attachment, use OkMap email: mailto:info@okmap.org. Without the map it's difficult to find the problem .
rooman Posted - 09/03/2012 : 16:30:04
Tried twice, window seemed frozen, oh well I'll be more patient next time.
Any ideas about the grid being offset from the printed map grid? (but the correct size)
okmap Posted - 09/03/2012 : 09:29:35
Seems work properly! (see previous message).
Use the link below "Insert File Attachment" and choose you file.
Then press "Upload attachment" button and close windows.
okmap Posted - 09/03/2012 : 09:27:50
Test of upload

Allegato : logo_okmap.gif#9;6.02 KB
rooman Posted - 08/03/2012 : 21:47:00
Quite right, I entered the position data in the Alt tab and it looks much better that way. Just a uniform grid error of 100m long and 20m Lat. The pink grid lines are ~100m to the east and ~20m to the north of the printed map grid lines. (forum image upload didn't work)
okmap Posted - 08/03/2012 : 17:30:49
Probably you have confused UTM coordinate (Transverse Mercator) with Swiss grid coordinates (Hotine Oblique Mercator).
You must setup map grid with “Setup map” button. Skip first form and select “Swiss new grid” in second form (“Select datum and projection preset”). Type “swiss” in “Filter” text field to fast find your selection.
After this, input your coordinates in the box after you have clicked on “Alt” page (these are the coordinates in Swiss grid format).
Tell me if this solve your question.

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