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 Projections and datum
 Calibrating Maps with Swiss

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BlackForest Posted - 22/07/2012 : 12:42:28
After several hours with the trial & error method I finally figured out how to calibrate Swiss Topo maps with the Swiss New Grid. The OKMap program has a tremendous variety on presettings under Utilities/Preferences. But nowhere I could find a presetting for "CH1903+ (Switzerland) under "Map Calibration". For each new calibration I have to change the "Map setup" from the default "World Geodetic 1984" to my desired format. Also, the program keeps changing the UTM Zone to 30 or something else, when all I want is "32N". Is there a way to change the Preferences (presettings) a)Map set up to "CH1903+" b) UTM to "32N" c)Grid set to "Swiss New Grid"?
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okmap Posted - 22/07/2012 : 14:11:02
When you calibrate a new map you can choose "Swiss New Grid" or "Landesvemessung 1995 (Swiss)" in "Select projection and datum presets" after pressing Map setup button.
This is the only choosing you must make when you calibrate a new raster map unless you want to input a customized projection.
If OkMap changes your UTM zone from 32N to something else means that your metric coordinate aren't in the appropiate range.
May be you metric ccordinates aren't UTM but hotine oblique mercator coordinates.

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