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 WTMS map server

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VVouter Posted - 05/01/2015 : 22:25:30

I am trying to load tiles from a WTMS map server but get a script error in okmap. I am not familiar with OpenLayers so I am searching in the dark. Maybe somebody could help me out?

Details of the map service can be found here:


I tried with the following xml code and some variationd without luck:

<code><![CDATA[new OpenLayers.Layer.WTMS({name: "NGI1", requestEncoding: "REST", url: "http://www.ngi.be/cartoweb/1.0.0/topo/default/3812/${z}/${y}/${x}.png", format: "image/png", layer: "topo", style: "default", matrixSet: "3812" });]]></code>


9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
okmap Posted - 09/04/2015 : 18:03:48
For Openlayers please see http://openlayers.org/en/v3.4.0/apidoc/
Panning is a way to move map with mouse in Map server function.
It's enough to press the left mouse button and move the mouse.
ts30 Posted - 09/04/2015 : 14:17:21
Originally posted by okmap

OkMap has a panning function. Move the mouse with the left button pressed.
OkMap uses OpenLayers so if OpenLayers supports WTMS, OkMap also.
Try to change .XYZ with .WTMS.

OkMap, could you tell us a little bit more about panning function and OpenLayers. Thank you.
okmap Posted - 27/01/2015 : 09:45:13
Please tell me known the implementations you need in template so I can introduce them in the next release.
VVouter Posted - 26/01/2015 : 21:52:04
I think it could be possible to access a WTMS server but I need to study openlayers more in detail. It seems it needs changes in the TemplateMapsServer.htm file to accomodate the different projection.

Using "new OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ" is also not sufficient since the server provides 4 populated tiles at zoomlevel 0, 16 tiles at zoom level 1, and so on. In Mobac I can circumvent this by hard coding a different zoom level in the url. In OKMap this is not possible.

My current approach is to download the tiles in mobac and perform a calibration in Okmap. I will open a different forum topic for that.


okmap Posted - 12/01/2015 : 09:45:01
OkMap has a panning function. Move the mouse with the left button pressed.
OkMap uses OpenLayers so if OpenLayers supports WTMS, OkMap also.
Try to change .XYZ with .WTMS.
VVouter Posted - 12/01/2015 : 09:25:36

I played with the matrixset tag but it does not help. the main problem is that the server does not follow the OSM tiling scheme.

The server does support more than 7 zoomlevels, 11 in fact. With Mobac, I can download tiles for all zoomlevels with a simple OSM scheme if I specify a mapsource xml per zoomlevel. However, I have to use the panning function in Mobac to find my area of interest because also in Mobac calibration is wrong(no WMTS support in Mobac).

Since okmap does not have a panning function, it is nearly impossible to dowload the correct tiles from such a map server. For the larger zoomlevels there are a lot of blank tiles around the country borders so that due to the wrong calibration you often get a fully blank map.

Can you confirm if it is possible or not to use the WTMS service within okmap? If I understand correctly, okmap uses an external library (openlayers) to communicate with the map server. Since openlayers supports WTMS, does this mean that it would also be automatically available in okmap or is this a too simplistic reasoning?



okmap Posted - 07/01/2015 : 09:33:28
Try to remove ', matrixSet: "3812"' or change "3812" (Belgian Lambert 2008) with "4326" (Plate Carrée).
Maximum zoom depends on server (number of layers stored).
VVouter Posted - 06/01/2015 : 23:13:56
Thanks for helping.

Your proposal gives the tile images but the calibration is lost. I supposed that the calibration would stay intact by using the WTMS service.

Why does your proposal not work for zoom levels > 7?

okmap Posted - 06/01/2015 : 11:05:40
Try this:

<code><![CDATA[new OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ("NGI1", "http://www.ngi.be/cartoweb/1.0.0/topo/default/3812/${z}/${y}/${x}.png", {format: "image/png", layer: "topo", style: "default", matrixSet: "3812" });]]></code>

Remember max zoom = 7

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