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 Calibrating Spanish maps

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nicobrl Posted - 11/02/2013 : 22:17:37
I try to create a spanish raster map coming from this website : http://sigpac.mapa.es/fega/visor/
I geolocalised 4 points on the map using WGS84 datum on the website and entered it under "DMS" sheet on Okmap (in the properties I also have WGS 84).
Then I checked the result on google earth after tiling it with "map tiling".
This first result was bad and I understood that I had to rotate the map by around 2.1° before doing raster map. The result is way better but not exact. Roads on google earth and my map are not exactly superposed (around 20m default).
Do you know a better method to do these spanish maps ?
Thanks for your help !
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
okmap Posted - 12/02/2013 : 08:58:57
Hi Nicobrl,
please send us an example map so we can do some tests and tell you some hints.
Looking at link you send us, seems the map is projected with Mercator projection. Try to use "Setup map" button before input coordinates to set the proper projection.

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