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jeanmarc93 Posted - 02/03/2022 : 15:33:12
Is there any log file where the info and error messages are stored ?
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Nehavilash Posted - 12/12/2023 : 14:02:15
Yes, systems and applications store info and error messages in log files. The location and name of these log files can vary depending on the specific system or application you are using. You can find them in a logs directory within the applications installation folder or in a system-wide log directory.
jeanmarc93 Posted - 03/03/2022 : 18:15:24
I just sent a mail to IGN Geoservices to get an advice.
jeanmarc93 Posted - 03/03/2022 : 18:08:39
But the following request with the same key is working

I just checked it one minute ago.
okmap Posted - 03/03/2022 : 17:39:42
I'm sorry, but I did a lot of testing but couldn't get it to work.
jeanmarc93 Posted - 03/03/2022 : 17:05:38
No, it's a valid key.
I registered it on 2022-02-14.
okmap Posted - 03/03/2022 : 15:49:56
I think the string "liv1dor5ri7zxah74jadp5x2" it's only an example.
You should register yourself and obtain a valid code.
jeanmarc93 Posted - 03/03/2022 : 15:35:05
Here it is
<name>France IGN Topographic</name>
<code>map.addLayer(new ol.layer.Tile({source: new ol.source.WMTS({url: 'https://wxs.ign.fr/liv1dor5ri7zxah74jadp5x2/geoportail/wmts', {'LAYERS': 'GEOGRAPHICALGRIDSYSTEMS.MAPS.SCAN25TOUR'}, attributions: '<a href="https://www.ign.fr/" target="_blank";img src="https://ign.fr/static/logos/IGN/IGN.gif" title="IGN"style: 'normal', matrixSet: 'PM', format: 'image/jpeg', style: 'normal', alt="IGN";/a>'})}));</code>

And here is one of the results of the request
according to the IGN documentation related to OpenLayers
<ows:Title>Carte topographique (IGN Scan25)</ows:Title>
<ows:Abstract>La carte topographique représente avec précision le relief, symbolisé par des courbes de niveaux, ainsi que les détails du terrain : routes, sentiers, constructions, bois, arbre isolé, rivière, source... </br>En France, la carte topographique de base est réalisée par l'IGN. Le SCAN 25 Touristique comprend les pictogrammes du thème tourisme de la carte de base.</ows:Abstract>
<ows:LowerCorner>-178.206 -46.5029</ows:LowerCorner>
<ows:UpperCorner>77.6492 51.1751</ows:UpperCorner>
<Style isDefault="true">
<ows:Title>Légende générique</ows:Title>
<ows:Abstract>Fichier de légende générique – pour la compatibilité avec certains systèmes</ows:Abstract>
<LegendURL format="image/jpeg" height="200" maxScaleDenominator="100000000" minScaleDenominator="200" width="200" xlink:href="https://wxs.ign.fr/static/legends/LEGEND.jpg"/>

okmap Posted - 03/03/2022 : 11:26:35
Can you post the code you have added?
jeanmarc93 Posted - 03/03/2022 : 10:56:14
I get a blank page. Any idea how to test a new map server added in MapsServers.xml file ?
okmap Posted - 03/03/2022 : 09:14:33
If the request of a web map is wrong you should obtain a java error or a blank page.
jeanmarc93 Posted - 02/03/2022 : 17:58:19
How to know if a request (getting a map) sent a map server is correct/successful ?
okmap Posted - 02/03/2022 : 16:10:47
No, it's saved in the clipboard at error moment.

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