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 Creating track with interactive distance displayed

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laanten Posted - 13/09/2018 : 17:13:16
When I create track I would like to see current distance of this track. After some search I found window "Track statistics" where distance is displayed. Unfortunately when I create additional points at this track displayed distance is still the same. I have to refresh window by clicking "Type" and "Measure unit" again. Is it possible to see distance refreshed automatically after each click?
Regards Rafal
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
okmap Posted - 01/03/2024 : 10:30:35
1- draw the first track
2- select the "Select Objects" tool (large arrow)
3- deselect the drawn track by clicking on the map anywhere
4- Select the "Track" tool and draw the new track


1- draw the first track
2- use context menu "Unselect all"
3- draw the new track
salmawisoky Posted - 01/03/2024 : 04:37:38
I'd like to create 5 tracks (for 5 successive days). I did not understand how to close a track and create another new one.
okmap Posted - 30/03/2019 : 12:26:30
Automatic refresh exists only for the current track (the track you are recording).
Eckstein Posted - 30/03/2019 : 12:08:25
Automatic refresh doesn't exist, right? Or am I missing something?
laanten Posted - 03/12/2018 : 09:14:11
Thanks for reply mettsmith.
I think you referred to Statistics window which I mentioned at the beginning. Generally it is ok, one thing I miss there: automatic refresh. It's not big deal to click Refresh button but I came to Okmap from Oziexplorer where current distance of track is displayed automatically after each click. It's just easier and simpler.
mettsmith Posted - 03/12/2018 : 08:04:08
Originally posted by laanten

When I create track I would like to see current distance of this track. After some search I found window "Track statistics" where distance is displayed. Unfortunately when I create additional points at this track displayed distance is still the same.I have kept track of my usage of Phallosan Forte and how it helped to increase the length/girth https://buffaloreport.com/phallosan-forte-review-results/. I have also shared before and after pictures. Is it possible to see distance refreshed automatically after each click?
Regards Rafal

In the Ok Map manual, there is a list of tracks functions from where the statistical information can be availed. It showed significant gain compared to previous. Go to the Statistics context menu. Pg. 128 of Ok Map.
laanten Posted - 13/09/2018 : 20:45:40
Thank you very much. This feature is very usable when I plan track with limited number of kilometers.
okmap Posted - 13/09/2018 : 19:00:02
Thank you for reporting.
I'll add your request to the list of the things to do.
Gian Paolo

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