T O P I C R E V I E W |
jesanet |
Posted - 25/05/2012 : 11:47:20 I have problems with the altitudes indications. I download the DEM files and some times I see the altitude in the cursor bar but some times with the same map and with the DEM file available in local I don't see this information. I have cheked that the necessay files are in the correct directory. Is it mandatory done some things else that download the hgt file?. Sorry by my poor english Thanks
14 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
okmap |
Posted - 12/02/2013 : 09:21:15 Hi, don't worry, this is the purpose of the forum. Ciao. |
nicobrl |
Posted - 11/02/2013 : 22:19:06 Hi,
Perfect, this works. I could have think about it...hopefully this will prevent you from the same question. Thanks |
okmap |
Posted - 16/01/2013 : 08:46:57 Hi Nico, thanks for compliments! In coordinates box OkMap accepts values between 0 and 180. For negative latitude specify "S(outh)" and positive value. For negative longitude specify "W(est)" and positive value. Check also your decimal point (comma or dot). Ciao. |
nicobrl |
Posted - 15/01/2013 : 22:30:52 Hi,
I'm newbie on your forum. First of all, I'd like to congratulate you for this perfect software. It solved a lot of my problems !!
I think I still have a problem calibrating maps with negative longitude/latitude. I've installed revision 10.8.3. I saw that this problem should have been fixed since 10.7.2 but I get the error message "value must between 0 and 180" for a point on a IGN french map near Biarritz. The coordinates found on visugpx.com are lat: 43,381932 lon: -1,30904 Am I doing something wrong ?
Thanks for your help,
Nico |
jesanet |
Posted - 09/06/2012 : 01:10:02 quote: Originally posted by okmap
I've released a new version of OkMap. This version should solve this issue. Please report any problems.
Ok I have dowload the new version and it work fine. Thanks you very much  |
okmap |
Posted - 05/06/2012 : 11:04:00 I've released a new version of OkMap. This version should solve this issue. Please report any problems. |
jesanet |
Posted - 03/06/2012 : 22:16:24 quote: Originally posted by okmap
I've found and fix the issue. The next release should work fine.
thanks, |
okmap |
Posted - 02/06/2012 : 09:14:59 I've found and fix the issue. The next release should work fine. |
jesanet |
Posted - 01/06/2012 : 19:23:06 quote: Originally posted by okmap
There is an issue with negative longitude and/or latitude. This week end I'll test with more accuracy and fix the bug. For your information the file (in Win7) are in: \Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\GianPaoloSaliola\OkMap\<version>\data\dem.
Thanks |
okmap |
Posted - 01/06/2012 : 08:42:10 There is an issue with negative longitude and/or latitude. This week end I'll test with more accuracy and fix the bug. For your information the file (in Win7) are in: \Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\GianPaoloSaliola\OkMap\<version>\data\dem.
jesanet |
Posted - 31/05/2012 : 22:11:43 quote: Originally posted by okmap
No, it isn't necessary do something else. Tell me the bounds of your map (NW, NE, SE, SW) and I'll check which is the problem.
the map's bounds are: NW: Lat:43º10'4" Long: -2º51'11" NE: Lat:43º10'4" Long: -2º41'13" SW: Lat:43º5'7" Long: -2º51'11" SE: Lat:43º5'7" Long: -2º41'13" The DEM file is N43W002.hgt. Okmap says that the file is available, but I don't find the file in the file structure (Where it must be?). The OKmap version is 10.7.0 Thanks |
okmap |
Posted - 27/05/2012 : 10:39:30 No, it isn't necessary do something else. Tell me the bounds of your map (NW, NE, SE, SW) and I'll check which is the problem. |
jesanet |
Posted - 27/05/2012 : 01:06:32 quote: Originally posted by okmap
Don't worry, you English is perfect! (I've have the same problem ). There are some zone that aren't covered by DEM data. The reasons may be different: water, steep slopes, ... But if the area is wide the reason may be another. With which nation/region are you working?
Thank you for your answer
I work in Spain (really I don't work to much ). The problem is that sometimes the altitudes are show an sometimes no, witn the same map and with the DEM files avaibles in local. Perhaps is a configuration error, but my question was if is neccesary done sometigh else that load the DEM file. Thank |
okmap |
Posted - 25/05/2012 : 13:02:57 Don't worry, you English is perfect! (I've have the same problem ). There are some zone that aren't covered by DEM data. The reasons may be different: water, steep slopes, ... But if the area is wide the reason may be another. With which nation/region are you working? |