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Victor Posted - 07/02/2017 : 15:20:46
Hi everybody.
I have Excel file with coordinates , save it to csv file.
And next I do not know what input format for coordinate to use.
Excel file has coordinate format Deg Min Secs.
For example(39°18'40.5756", 102°17'30.4656").
Can anybody help me? Example of excel file.
Can I use another column with Excel file , like place , name etc ?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
okmap Posted - 06/08/2023 : 11:10:52
Thank you for your contribution.
Yes it's possible in the same format of export in text format.
I'll add this feature in the next release.
SunNoise Posted - 06/08/2023 : 10:07:59

Sorry for resurrecting this thread, I just had the same question and was wondering if it was possible to paste coordinates in text format into the coordinates box. Currently, you can only paste coordinates that you have copied from within the software.

What I want to do is to be able to paste coordinates in text format that I got from somewhere else. For example 22.845;121.241 for longitude and latitude respectively.

Please let me know if this is possible or if not, if it would be possible to have as a feature in the future.

Thank you!
okmap Posted - 25/09/2018 : 14:14:45
I don't remember the context of discussion.
However every time you use in OkMap a coordinates box, you can copy the coordinates (and then paste in another coordinates box) using the context manu available in itself.
The coordinates box is a panel where you can choose the format of the coordinates (it has several tabs on the top).
LinwoodK Posted - 25/09/2018 : 12:48:50
Hi Gian Paulo, what do you mean exactly by "you can paste them after conversion?" Just copy and paste?
Victor Posted - 07/02/2017 : 19:34:42
Thanks a lot. I'll try to do so.
okmap Posted - 07/02/2017 : 18:28:32
Use different columns for degrees, minutes and seconds without special characters (first longitude then latitude); example:
Select "Degrees, minutes, decimal seconds" option.
Other columns will be ignored; you can paste them after conversion.

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