This is the string to send via socket to OkMap to implement live track (fields are separated by semicolon):
1. Id (sender identification); any string that identify your sender 2. Longitude (decimal degrees); datum is specified in Preferences NMEA (default WGS84) 3. Latitude (decimal degrees); datum is specified in Preferences NMEA (default WGS84) 4. Altitude (meters); negative for deep 5. Date-Time (MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss); universal time format 6. Speed (km/h); Double.MinValue if not specified 7. Bearing (0-359.9999…); Double.MinValue if not specified 8. Track tickness in pixel (Integer); optional, if not specified will be used the value specified in preferences 9. Track color (integer ARGB 32 bit); optional, if not specified will be used the value specified in preferences
Example: TestLive;9.137600913291672;45.506435647252495;202.20291;06/08/2012 15:09:47;0;0;3;-65536;
From 10.10.1 version (backward compatible)
01. Record version = $OKMAP-V01 02. Id (sender identification); any string that identify your sender 03. Longitude (decimal degrees); datum is specified in Preferences NMEA (default WGS84) 04. Latitude (decimal degrees); datum is specified in Preferences NMEA (default WGS84) 05. Altitude (meters); negative for deep 06. Date-Time (MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss); universal time format 07. Speed (km/h); Double.MinValue if not specified 08. Bearing (0-359.9999…); Double.MinValue if not specified 09. Flag new segment (0=false, 1=true); not significant for first point (0 or 1) 10. Track tickness in pixel (Integer); optional, if not specified will be used the value specified in preferences 11. Track color (integer ARGB 32 bit); optional, if not specified will be used the value specified in preferences
Example: $OKMAP-V01;TestLive;9.137600913291672;45.506435647252495;202.20291;06/08/2012 15:09:47;0;0;0;3;-65536; |