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 Projections and datum
 Lambert 72 offset

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jtrac Posted - 15/07/2014 : 10:08:00

I'm working with the Lambert 72 projection in Belgium. When I try to 'maptile' a geotiff for Oruxmaps, I get an offset of a few hectometers eastwards. Could this be a similar problem as Ralf Hesse had on this forum?

Or should I do any other conversion/transformation before this step? I save the geotiff from my ArcGIS .mxd. It does work when I just use WGS84, but that awfully stretches my image...

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
okmap Posted - 15/07/2014 : 10:20:55
Hi jtrac,
please can you send us your GeoTiff file so we can do some tests?
If it's heavy, you can use one of the free services to send big attachments.
You can use this email: info@okmap.org.

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